SSM Health introduces a Year of Kindness

A note from Laura S. Kaiser, President and CEO of SSM Health:

It is 2024 and we are living in a fast-paced world. One that is more digitally connected than ever – yet most of these connections are superficial. Having someone ‘like’ your social media can be fun but it isn’t the same as having a support system you can rely on. Loneliness, anxiety, and depression are at record highs. There seems to be division and discontentment wherever we turn – from political polarization and twitter feuds to road rage and workplace tensions. Now more than ever, the world needs presence, optimism, generosity, and kindness.

be kind to your co worker

At SSM Health, we believe every person is created in the image and likeness of God with inherent dignity and value. No matter our differences, we are united by our shared humanity along with God’s love and grace. Each day we have the opportunity to make a difference and to lead by example in our home, our workplace, and our community.

When we practice kindness – in words or actions – we can completely turn someone’s day around by living our Mission statement “Providing exceptional health care, revealing the healing presence of God." As I have learned from our wise sisters, “Our presence is never neutral.” Even when we simply walk by someone, our presence matters. What we do matters.

Consider the difference between someone who smiles and says hello versus someone who avoids eye contact or any acknowledgement. In either case, that five second interaction is not neutral. Regardless of how our day is going or how difficult things are, we get to decide how we show up. We can choose to be the best form of ourselves, focus on the good, and cast a brighter light to those around us.

Practicing kindness is also good for us. It helps us build more satisfying relationships, enhances our mental and emotional well-being, and strengthens our resilience so we can better manage the tough situations in life. A recent study found that when we act with kindness or witness it, we are inspired to be more kind. I’ve also seen acts of kindness inspire a chain reaction of additional acts of kindness – all serving to bridge gaps, bring hope, build trust, and reaffirm our shared humanity.

At SSM Health, we have the power to impact someone in a positive, kind way. During 2024, I invite you to join me in an intentional “Year of Kindness” campaign.

Throughout the month of March, we will begin with a focus on sharing kindness with our coworkers. Please watch for our ideas on social media – and please comment and offer your own.

March Kindness Challenge: Be kind to your coworkers

March 11 - 17 Think of a past colleague or mentor who helped you grow in your career and send them a note of gratitude. 
March 18 - 24 Send at least one handwritten note to a coworker to let them know that you appreciate them. 
March 25 - 31 Ask a coworker how they are doing and genuinely listen/be present to what they have to say.

Together, we have the power to make a big difference in the lives of all those we work with and serve. Please join me in intentionally spreading kindness, sharing a smile, and passing it on to others. I can’t wait to see where we go!

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